Krunoslav Adzievski, born on 18 January 1979 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Since 2000 he has been working in the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia. In his working career he worked in the Interior Secretariat –Forensics Section, and currently he is working in the Ministry of Interior – Crime Scene Department, where he takes part in laboratory and forensic investigations at the crime. He is a member of the Matka Alpine Climbing Club, and a member of the Macedonian Alpine Climbing Federation as part of the Macedonian Mountain Sport Federation, where he holds the licence of a Junior Alpine Climber, and he holds lectures and participates as a demonstrator on seminars, trainings and workshops in the Vocational Training Centre of the Macedonian Mountain Sport Federation. He is a member of the Macedonian Association of International Mountain Leaders, licensed by the Union of International Mountain Leaders Associations. He is a member of the Macedonian Association of Snow Sport Instructors and, he has a licence for a Ski Instructor. He is a member of the Vertigo Paragliding Club. He is working in the Mountain Rescue Team of the Kozuf Ski Centre on a contractual basis. In addition, on contractual and voluntary basis he is working in the Ohrid Red Cross, in the Mountain Rescue Team. He participates in television programmes on forensic, alpine climbing, and he appears as an alpine climber in clips and commercials (Macedonia Timeless). He uses German language that he learned in primary and secondary education. He has a complete knowledge of and he uses all Windows-based computer platforms, and he works with a number of service applications.
